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Work with me

Creativity is our greatest gift. 


Are you using it to it's full potential?


Have you found your unique ''voice'' and what you have to say as an artist?


Are you creatively feeling blocked?


Are you struggling to find the balance between art that sells, and art that is actually useful for the world ?

Do you have self-limiting beliefs about yourself as an artist and the creations you make?

Perhaps it's because you haven't found your bigger WHY.


I help artists and creators find their why by helping them see the bigger picture of their life and fine tune which avenue of expression will yield the best results.


Selection of Visionary Artists
I've worked with

Joep Beving


Mykalle Bielinski


Daniel Firman

NYC / Paris
Visionary Artist Mikalle
Visionary Artist Joep Beving
Visionary Artist Daniel Firman

How I can help

Every session is tailored to where you are at the moment, and what your needs are.

Here are a few things you can expect:

Activate Your Soul's Purpose

Through this Vedic Astrology Reading you'll get:

- A good understanding of your soul's direction in this lifetime as well as your mental tendencies.


- It'll leave you feeling more confident in who you are and how you can be of service.

Understanding your Creativity through a Mystical Lens

We will be going back in time through your creative journey to:

- Understand what your creation has been trying to teach you and where it might be stuck

-  Envision what your next work and creation could be in its exalted form.


Tools and Guidance to start/ persue your Spiritual Creative Journey

- You will receive spiritual and practical tools to start implementing change in your life and understanding your visions.


- Using your Ayurvedic profile, we will see your physical profil to see what is out of balanced and how we can work on regaining this equilibrium.

Anit K.- Professional Emerging Painter, Singapour

« I really enjoyed my session with Alex, it gave me a lot of clarity on my path moving forward in my art career. He uses a unique combination of your astrological charts, tarot cards and intuition to guide you to finding your ideal life path as an artist. I found it so accurate and it gave me a lot of clarity. »

Daniel Firman- Established  Visual Artist, NYC/ Paris

« I met Alex in 2019 in New York, and we have always stayed in touch despite the long distances that have often separated us. Even in NYC, we exchanged a lot about the spiritual dimension that drives Alex's work. I appreciate his art and the consistency with which he is developing Roze Umbra today. This year has been rich in exchanges with Alex as I had two consultations about astrology. Alex's approach as an artist is very interesting because he opens up sensitive dimensions in the conversation with a perception that is more holistic than specific. For me, this is important because the exchanges find their own details to develop in the astrological conversation. The feeling after the consultation is very energizing and clarifies a large number of intuitions. I highly recommend this experience. »

Mykalle Bielinski- Singer/Performer/Actress - Montreal

« Alex's reading was at once as gentle as a dive into a sea of coral, and as striking as a bolt of lightning that falls just beside you to shed light on a hidden aspect of your psyche. With sensitivity and finesse, Alex knows how to see beyond the cards. He asks the right questions, and his hypotheses encourage awareness. Thank you Alex. »

Is this for you?

I use the terms creators and artists because only using artists can be misleading. Every human has the ability to be creative - to create - but in this rational world we have been born into, we are taught to fit in the pre-made mold that was set for us and very little information is taught about it. The truth is, our imagination is our divine tool to create a life filled with magic if only we would know how to use and direct it.


Anyone who creates his/her life according to their own unique gifts is a creator and in this case, their lives become their masterpiece. Do not hesitate to book a session - if you are reading this now, chances are your creative self want more expression and I'm sure I can help! You might not be where you want to be at the moment and feel stuck in the same patterns, thats why I'm here.

Let's Work Together

Why Soul Care matters now more than ever?

Occult Diagram of Astral Light

Soul care for visionary artists and creators is especially crucial in today's changing world


The truth is, the more we leave unexplored within us, the more control our ego exerts over our lives. Purpose is everything and that is where you'll find your WHY.


Much of what we're witnessing globally seems to stems from people being unaware of these invisible aspects that connect us all, and not having the tools to tap into them.

The exciting part is that you have a unique opportunity to be a nucleus for change in the world. Your journey and creations can inspire those around you and have a profound and positive impact on the collective messaging that is silently circulating in peoples minds. Perhaps all that is missing are a few tools and confidence to do and understand that.

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